Homeopathy is a curative practice in which medicines arouse your individual innate restorative forces of healing. Homeopathy cures disease by giving a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that Disease. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Disease and even increases your Immunity for future defence from microbes
About Me

- Dr S. S. Tanwar
- Gurgaon, Haryana, India
- Emeritus Staff Dr. MPK Homeopathic Medical College Hospital And Research Center Jaipur. Health Educationalist. Autonomous, Instinctive, Enthusiastic Fact Analyst. A Scientist who needs no Counterfeit Platform. With his school of contemplation derived from Clinical experience, language of nature and history of medicine. Is follower of scientific truth, averse to hypothesis? Who struggle for the foundation of individual health?